sweet southern bohemian

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Part Five: This Lazy Girl's Guide to Wine, The Series

I don't know about you, but hibernation has begun for me.  This Lazy girl does not do well in cold temperatures.  With winter determined to take it's turn in the Weather Game, my most worn item of clothing becomes my bathrobe. And I'm not talking about a lovely fluffy Instagram photo worthy bathrobe either, I'm talking about a well worn singed at the sleeve, way past it's prime bathrobe. And guess what? I ain't sorry. Nothing is more comforting than wearing a broken in robe while curling up on the couch and settling in for an evening of binge watching.  

What I lack in at home fashion, I make up for in wine pairings.  Adding a great glass of wine to an otherwise humdrum dinner is the perfect way to win at life. Winter nights and long hours at work usually mean I ignore all the wonderful recipes I have on my Pinterest boards and go for something delivered or so easy to prepare that I can do it with my eyes closed.  Or in tonight's case something straight out of the fridge. 

A good wine elevates anything you pair with it. Even a hand full of cherry tomatoes (don't judge me!).  Tonight's meal, or.....snack was paired with a Cabernet Sauvingnon.  Cab Sav goes so well with dishes cooked in tomato based sauces so I knew it would go with just plain tomatoes, the strong bold taste cuts through the fruit's natural acidity.  It's no coincidence that Cab Sav is served with with so many pasta dishes cooked in red sauce.  Those hearty herbaceous flavors tend to brighten up with a glass of this popular red. 

Talking about food is making me hungry, and if I'm going to have more than one of glass of wine, I probably need to find a little more to eat.  I think I hid some Pepperoni in the lettuce crisper.......

Until next time Lazy girls!