sweet southern bohemian

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New Home Adventure Series: Crude Plans and the First Meeting

I’m in week two of my brand new home adventure. I meet with the contractor and the HVAC guy this week and I’ve drawn up my vision for the space. My first approach was to just go in and explain my vision and then listen to why it may or may not work, but that was the old me. My new plan is to go in and explain what I want and figure out how it will work. How’s that for growth?

The weight of how life-changing this is for me is sinking in. How many people get to design their dream space? Better yet, who gets to design their dream space on someone else’s dime? My friends Sheila and Mitch have that much faith in me. (Excuse me while my heart swells a bit).

I know my amateur plans are crude, but I was very thoughtful in the placement of things. I’m also hyper vigilante about how much things cost. I’m convinced that Sheila and I can create a drool-worthy space without blowing the budget to bits. The word ‘EPIC’ keeps coming to mind.

I’m dreaming of polished concrete, reclaimed wood, and recycled materials. The space has a few pieces of discarded furniture that I plan to repurpose for my outdoor space. My Pinterest boards are blowing up. I’m even more obsessed with HGTV than I was before. The excitement of everything wakes me up in the morning. Part of me keeps waiting for a camera crew to pop out of nowhere to tell me that I’ve been Punk’d, but mostly, I’m inspired.

I don’t think I will ever be able to thank Mitch and Sheila enough.

Who knows where all of this will lead?

Until next time.