Friend Goals.......

While talking to my best friend last night I started thinking about how important my relationships with my girlfriends have been in my life.  My friends are as much my family as the family I was born into. 

I know lots of people, I even like a most of them, but I don't consider all of them friends.  I have wonderful core group of friends.  Some girls, some guys, all amazing. This is dedicated to my girls (sorry guys, next time!)  The strong, smart, funny fearless women that I am fortunate enough to know, love and go through life with. These friends of mine are many things to me.....


My Academy Award...

There's my best friend, the one who has known me the longest. The one who'd never let me look stupid alone. The one who didn't run away from me when I decided to do an impromptu Oscar acceptance speech in the middle of Ikea holding one of those wooden dolls with the poseable arms and legs. (See Exhibit A to the left). Once I finished and took a bow, she stood right next to me and clapped.  (Actually quite a few people clapped, we were so caught up in being silly that we didn't realize an audience had formed!) But that's what so great about my girl, she let's me be me and together we engage in mass amounts of foolishness. We may be adults, but that doesn't stop us from indulging the child within.  

We've been through a lot together. We've been broke together, through family drama together, terrible jobs, disappointing almost relationships, awful haircuts, raggedy cars, loss of loved ones, you name it and she's seen me through it. My BFF is the person who knows me as well as any person can know another. She doesn't agree with everything or even understand everything that motivates me, but she gets me and that's what matters most.  

I also have a friend who is a party all by herself.  You know the one....that girl who is going to have fun no matter who, what, when or where.  She's the one I call when I want to let my hair down and just have fun, no judgement, no questions asked, just fun.  I have a friend who is up for hanging out with little to no notice and the friend who gets and supports my hustle. One day she and I are going to develop something wonderful. 

 I have a friend who checks in on me from time to time, she's the one who sees beyond my smiling face and knows when I just need to talk.  I also have friends that I don't see as often as I'd like, but whenever we do get together its as if no time has passed. Each and every one of these ladies make my life better and I hope I'm as good a friend to them as they are to me.  

So before I get overly emotional, let me end with the the picture below.  I think it says it all.  
