Makeup for Dummies......

Let me be the first to say that I love makeup! I love it, love it, love it.  I keep up the with brands, the new products being launched and I can even hold my own in a conversation with beauty professionals, but that's all I can do..........hold my own in conversation.

Put me in front of a mirror, stick a brush in my hand and watch the unfiltered terror wash over me.  Outside of the basics: keeping my face clean, adding primer and applying foundation, I'm a makeup nincompoop. My education in beauty stopped progressing past what I learned after  high school (yes, after high school! Don't judge, I was a late bloomer). The only thing that's changed is the quality of my products. 



I buy beauty products with dreams of recreating the looks I see in magazines and TV.  I stream YouTube vids incessantly, yet my desire and skill levels are tragically mismatched.  Applying makeup isn't as much about covering flaws, as it the creation of beauty. 

I'm an artist in my own right, I know my way around a paint brush and canvas, but I concede to the fact that I'm no Makeup Artist (MUA). If someone pointed a gun at me and said 'contour my face or die' well start planning my funeral 'cause I'm one dead duck. I'd rather get beaten, than be forced to attend an event with a face a I beat myself.  

Yep, this makeup lover has learned to stay in her lane and stick to basic application.  I leave the fancy stuff to the professionals. 

I had a photo shoot in December and got NOORFACED .  Noor is an amazing MUA here in Atlanta. She's  not only gorgeous, but sweet and generous with information.  She squeezed me into her very busy schedule early one morning and  put my nerves to rest. When I arrived, she asked me what I wanted and explained everything she planned to use and how to use it.  She made me beautiful and educated me at the same time! I  stumbled across her Instagram page instagram/noorface  when I decided to do the shoot with my photographer Quil (who by the way is an awesome MUA herself, more on her soon!)  I just loved the way the ladies featured on Noor's page looked so beautiful and I wanted me some of that!  

In the pictures below, you'll see side by sides of me in similar poses, the first shot  is of me in my everyday face.  A little foundation, a little powder, lined eyes and a lip color.  I get eyelash extenstions so the eyes have it all day everyday! (Hi Rin from Lashful!) 

The second shot is of me with my Noorface on! Still me, but with the volume pumped all the way up.  My brows are more defined, my skin looks all satiny and those eyes!  I'd love to look that way everyday, but  even if I could do it myself, I'd opt for a little more sleep every morning over looking fab. #sorrynotsorry.  Besides, if I'm being honest, I don't think the world could handle me looking that good every day. It might make me too much to handle!

So there you have it, a girl with all the desire and none of the skill can look as good as all those talented ladies out there beating their faces in their bathrooms at home. All she has to do is call in a professional, and who knows, one day I may actually be able to do a little something something on my own, or maybe I'll just go back to bed and make another appointment with Noor or Quil.  

Go forth and be beautiful!