This Lazy Girl's Guide to: Wine Down Wednesday

Eating your dessert and drinking it too......

(Warning, I'm going to use the word chocolate a lot, but I'll keep the post short and sweet, get it? sweet?)

In case you didn't know, Chocolate Wine is a thing.  Not only is it a thing, it is a very, very good thing. Chocolate and Wine

T O G E T H E R!

A moment of silence to let that sink in please.

Not only is chocolate wine 2 wonderful things in one, it can be enjoyed multiple ways. Serve it alone, literally eating and drinking your dessert, have a glass along with an actual dessert if you don't mind doing a sweet on sweet flavor pairing.  Pour it over ice cream for example.  There's chocolate wine and chocolate, sort of a chocolate squared situation. It pairs well with savory dishes as too. Think empanadas or pot pies. That sweetness of the wine compliments the spice  and salt of meat pies. 

Chocolate wine may not be for everyone, but for those of us who get it, we know the flavors go together like peanut butter and jelly, bacon and eggs, spaghetti and meatballs, pizza and beer, or in my case Coke.... Okay, I'm getting hungry and it's making me silly. 

Back to the wine.  

I've found that chocolate wine comes in 2 varieties...There's the kind that is dark red, along the lines of a Port and leans more toward dark chocolate in flavor.  Then there's the kind that mixes  with cream, resulting in a color similar to a chocolate milkshake.  An adult chocolate milkshake with a flavor close to milk chocolate.

Either type is simply delightful and worth a try. What better way to get your wine drinking on and indulge your sweet tooth?

Happy Wednesday Lazy Girls!