Introduction to: This Lazy Girl's Guide to Wine, The Series

When it comes to my knowledge of Wine, I must admit that it is pretty limited.  I know Red, White and Rose', but all that proves is that I know my colors.  Good for me, I was listening in Pre-K! I can also rattle off a few names, Merlot, Port, Riesling, Malbec and my favorite, Pinot Noir.  I just love order Pinot Noir at restaurants!  It's so fun to say out loud and I feel fancy every time time I do.  

I know that there is so much more to learn about Wine, and I have so many questions. What goes best with Chicken or Fish? What is the best way to store Wine? Can I buy a good Wine without emptying my checking account? More importantly, which Wines pair best with Dessert?  Now don't get me wrong, I know that sometimes the best Wine is the Wine you happen to have on hand. I've had impromptu parties centered around whatever Wine was hanging out on my beautifully decorated, yet under stocked bar table.  That kind of Wine goes perfectly with anything from Tacos, to Popcorn to Cake.  

Welcome to the Introduction to This Lazy Girl's Guide Wine, The Series.  I will cover Fun Facts about Wine each week.  I'll share everything from the types of Wine, to the tools needed to best enjoy it without looking like novice.  When I finish I hope to have awakened my inner Olivia Pope and be able to down a good glass of red in a fancy goblet.